Mission, Vision & Values

At St. Michael's, our mission, vision, and values aren't just words on a page. They're statements that capture who we are and guide us toward who God is calling us to be. 

Our Mission:

To lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

This is what we’re all about. We want to invite people to encounter Jesus and grow in their relationship with him. Because when we are growing in our relationship with Jesus, we can experience the freedom of God’s love and mercy, trust the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and cooperate with God in the work of building his Kingdom of justice and peace.

Our Vision

To create Christ-centered environments that:

  • encourage and equip people to pursue intimacy with God;

  • embrace people in our warm and loving Anglican church family; and

  • support people in building God’s Kingdom.

This is how we pursue our mission. Whatever we do as a church community—from Sunday worship to seniors’ lunches to service in the community—we strive to keep Jesus at the center of it all.

our Values

We value: worship that invites us to experience God’s presence and nurtures our spirits through word and sacrament; relationships—with God and with others—as the fundamental structure of Christian life; prayer as vital to our relationship with God and our loving care for the needs of our congregation, community, and world; spiritual growth that happens as the Holy Spirit conforms us to the image of our Savior, Jesus Christ; outreach that demonstrates in word and action Jesus’ love for all people; and scripture as the authoritative revelation of God that provides the foundation for all aspects of our lives.